Focus on 3D-Gardens

This Decor is a figment of Dimonah’s imagination. Most of these species would not be found in the same environment.
It is an idealised landscape in which the improbable flirts with the impossible.
The rich documentation comes from some of the great naturalists of the late Renaissance amd 18th Century.
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D-Rajput Fantasy

Inspired mostly by the wonderful Kronos collection of Rajput miniature paintings at the Metropolitan Museum in NY.
Dimonah composed a collage that took the painters in our studio over 8 months to complete painting in full scale. She melded the miniature subjects into a fantasy universe where mortals, gods and stylized nature co-exist in peaceful harmony.
The full decor is over 30 meters long in our new H300 standard height. It is proposed in 3 standard color options and loops.
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D-Ocena Still Life

D-Ocean Still Life is one of our largest decors which means it will cover big rooms without ever repeating. The theme is a sumptuous underwater scene with corals and fish as well as many other marine creatures. What is striking is the scale of the corals and the extraordinary array of fish that don’t belong to the same waters as well as other creatures who may be in shell form or alive.
Overall, because of the way the decor is painted, there is the atmosphere of a still life reminding us of the 1920’s.While our oceans are agonising, Dimonah’s new scenic is a perfect decorative fantasy but also a discreet reminder of this rich and hidden beauty we could lose (or save).

D-Ocean Still Life : the full decor is 30 meters long in our new H300 standard height… and it loops… It is proposed in 2 standard color options.
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